Photo taken from The Travel Channel of host Anthony Melchiorri.
Our custom shower enclosures were a featured guest on Hotel Impossible. In the "Sleeping on the Job" episode, host Anthony leads a turnaround of Citigarden Hotel in San Francisco. We had installed a single fixed panel to match the new and simple look made by the show. It even gave two of our installers, Junior and Cameron, some shots on air!
Junior and Cameron's brief appearance on the show.
We were commissioned to do a single frame-less Regency panel with exposed channel for the hotel to showcase an enclosure that is simple and effective. What was currently there was a curtain and rod, which while somewhat normal in the past, is now dated and unfashionable for hotels and homes. When we are at many of our renovation jobs for homes, hotels, apartments, and condos we are frequently asked, "Why have we waited so long to get rid of our shower curtain?" The "before and after" of the room we did for the show really shows the elegance in simplicity and how a single panel in a shower ties an entire renovation together.
Before: just a curtain and rod.
After: Regency fixed panel using 3/8" clear glass with channel.